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Neon serverless driver

Learn how to Connect to Neon from Vercel Edge Functions and Cloudflare Workers

The Neon serverless driver (currently in Beta) allows you to query data from Vercel Edge Functions, Cloudflare Workers, and other environments that support WebSockets but not TCP sockets.

The driver is a drop-in replacement for node-postgres, the popular npm pg package that you may already be familiar with, offering the same API.

Install the Neon serverless driver

As a drop-in replacement for node-postgres, you simply install the Neon serverless driver where you would otherwise install pg. The driver includes TypeScript types (the equivalent of @types/pg).

npm install @neondatabase/serverless

How to use it

You can use the driver in the same way you would use node-postgres. Where you normally import pg, simply import @neondatabase/serverless instead. The following examples show how to use the Neon Serverless driver with Vercel Edge Functions and Cloudfare Workers.

Neon serverless driver with Vercel Edge Functions

This example shows how to create a minimal Vercel Edge Function that uses the Neon serverless driver to ask PostgreSQL for the current time. For more information about Vercel Edge Functions, see Vercel's Edge Functions Overview.

To complete these steps, you require:

To get started:

  1. Ensure that you have the latest version (>= v28.9) of the Vercel CLI. To check your version, use vercel --version. To install or update the Vercel CLI globally, use:

    npm install -g vercel@latest
  2. Create a Next.js project.

    npx create-next-app@latest neon-ef-demo --typescript

    Accept all defaults by pressing [Return].

  3. Enter the new directory.

    cd neon-ef-demo
  4. Link your new project to your Vercel account.

    vercel link

    Again, accept all defaults by pressing [Return].

  5. Set your PostgreSQL credentials on Vercel.

    vercel env add DATABASE_URL

    Paste in your Neon connection string, which you can find on the Neon Dashboard. It will look something like this:


    Press a to select all Vercel environments, then [Return].

    For more information about obtaining a Neon connection string, see Connect from any application.

  6. Install the Neon serverless driver package.

    npm install @neondatabase/serverless
  7. Replace the code in /pages/api/hello.ts with the code for your function:

    import { Pool } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
    import type { NextRequest, NextFetchEvent } from 'next/server';
    export const config = { runtime: 'edge' };
    export default async (req: NextRequest, event: NextFetchEvent) => {
      const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL });
      const { rows: [{ now }] } = await pool.query('SELECT now()');
      event.waitUntil(pool.end());  // doesn't hold up the response
      return new Response(`The time is ${now}`);
  8. Deploy your function.

    vercel deploy

    Follow the prompts to deploy your function and once done, open the Production link. Add /api/hello to the URL to see the result of your Edge Function. You should see a text response similar to:

    The time is Thu Mar 16 2023 18:23:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Neon serverless driver with Cloudflare

This example shows how to create a minimal Cloudflare Worker that uses the Neon serverless driver to ask PostgreSQL for the current time.

To complete these steps, you require:

To get started:

  1. Create a Worker by running the following command. Accept the defaults.

    npx wrangler init neon-cf-demo
  2. Enter the new directory.

    cd neon-cf-demo
  3. Install the Neon serverless driver package.

    npm install @neondatabase/serverless
  4. Set your PostgreSQL credentials by running the following command and providing the connection string for your Neon database when prompted.

    npx wrangler secret put DATABASE_URL

    You can find the connection string for your database on the Neon Dashboard. It will look something like this:


    For information about obtaining a Neon connection string, see Connect from any application.

  5. Add code for the Worker by replacing the generated contents in src/index.ts with the following code:

    import { Pool } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
    interface Env { DATABASE_URL: string; }
    export default {
      async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
        const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: env.DATABASE_URL });
        const { rows: [{ now }] } = await pool.query('SELECT now()');
        ctx.waitUntil(pool.end());  // this doesn’t hold up the response
        return new Response(`The time is ${now}`);
  6. Type npx wrangler publish to deploy the Worker around the globe.

    Go to the Worker URL, and you should see a text response similar to:

    The time is Thu Mar 16 2023 18:23:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

    If the Worker has not been run in a while, you may experience a few seconds of latency, as both Cloudflare and Neon will perform cold starts. Subsequent refreshes are quicker.


Brief queries such as the one used in this example can generally be run on Cloudflare’s free plan. Queries with larger result sets may exceed the 10ms CPU time available to Workers on the free plan. In that case, you will see a Cloudflare error page, and you will need to upgrade your Cloudflare service to avoid this issue.

Example application

Neon provides an example application to help you get started with the Neon serverless driver on Vercel Edge Functions or Cloudflare Workers. The application generates a JSON listing of the 10 nearest UNESCO World Heritage sites using IP geolocation (data copyright © 1992 – 2022 UNESCO/World Heritage Centre).

UNESCO World Heritage sites app

There are different implementations of the application to choose from:

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