Announcing autoscaling in feature-preview!Learn More


Neon offers the following plans: Free Tier, Pro, Enterprise, and Platform Partnership. The Pro plan is usage-based, ensuring you never over-provision and only pay for what you use. The Enterprise and Platform Partnership plans are custom volume-based plans that offer potential discounts. You can find out more about our plans below.

Neon billing metrics

Neon charges for usage based on the following metrics:

  • Compute time: The amount of computing capacity used within a specified time period.
  • Project storage: The size of the data and history stored for your project.
  • Written data: The amount of data written from compute to storage.
  • Data transfer: The amount of data transferred out of Neon.

See Billing and usage metrics explained for a detailed description of each metric and how Neon calculates costs.

Neon plans

Free TierPro (usage-based)Custom - Enterprise or Platform Partnership (volume-based)
Best forPrototyping and personal projectsSmall to medium teams, setups with 1 to 3 active databasesMedium to large teams, Database fleets, Resale
Compute active time per monthNo limit on the primary branch. 100 hours on non-primary branches.*UnlimitedUnlimited
Compute size1 shared vCPU with 1 GB RAMUp to 7 vCPUs, each with 4 GB RAMCustom
Storage3 GB per branchUnlimited*Unlimited
Dedicated resources--
Project sharing-
Auto-suspend compute
Configurable auto-suspend compute-
PaymentFreeCredit Card, Pay As You Go with monthly invoicingPrepaid, Custom Contract, Volume Discounts
SupportCommunity, support ticketsCommunity, support tickets, video chatCommunity, support tickets, video chat, resale customer support


  • The Pro plan has a default limit of 200 GB of storage but supports any data size. To request an increase, contact Sales.
  • The Pro plan has a default limit of 20 simultaneously active computes but supports a higher limit. To request an increase, contact Sales.
  • The Free Tier has a compute active time limit of 100 hours per month for non-primary branches. See Free Tier for more information.
  • Regardless of the Free Tier or Pro plan compute limits described above, the compute endpoint assigned to the primary branch of your Neon project is always available, ensuring that access to data on the primary branch of your project is never interrupted. For more information, see Primary branch.

Account billing page

A Neon account subscribed to a paid plan has access to a Billing page in the Neon Console, where you can:

  • View your current billing total for the month-to-date, including a cost breakdown by billing metric.
  • Update your payment details
  • Download invoices

To access your Billing page:

  1. Navigate to the Neon Console.
  2. Select Billing from the sidebar.

Neon invoices

A Neon invoice includes an Amount due for the billing period and a cost breakdown by billing metric.

Download invoices

You can download invoices from the Billing page.

  1. Navigate to the Billing page in the Neon Console.
  2. Under Latest invoices, locate the invoice you want to download and click the PDF download icon.

Cancel a subscription

To cancel a Pro plan subscription:

  1. Navigate to the Billing page in the Neon Console.
  2. Click Request subscription cancellation at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter your cancellation request into the Unsubscribe dialog and click Send.

The request is sent to the Neon Support team, who will respond to you with a request confirmation.

Canceling a subscription to the Pro plan downgrades your account to the Neon Free Tier. The Neon Support team will ask you to remove any projects or storage that exceed Neon's Free Tier limits. The subscription cancellation goes into effect at the beginning of the next billing period (the start of the month following the cancellation request).

If usage is not reduced in accordance with Neon's Free tier limits, Neon suspends projects and branches other than those it determines to be the most active. After 60 days, Neon reserves the right to remove any project or storage that exceeds Neon's Free Tier limits.

Cancellation of Enterprise, Platform Partnership, or other customized plans are handled in accordance with the Master Subscription Agreement (MSA) outlined in the customer agreement.

Billing and usage metrics explained

This section provides a detailed explanation of Neon's billing and usage metrics and how they are calculated. Billing in Neon is account-based. For the billing rate for each metric, see Billing rates.


The Project storage, Written data, and Data transfer billing metrics are calculated in gibibytes (GiB), otherwise known as binary gigabytes. One gibibyte equals 230 or 1,073,741,824 bytes.

Compute time

The Compute time metric measures the amount of computing capacity used within a given time period. Neon takes a measure of compute utilization every five seconds, which is averaged based on the observed computing capacity. Computing capacity is based on Compute Units (CU). A CU in Neon is 1 vCPU and 4 GB of RAM. A Neon compute endpoint can have anywhere from .25 to 7 CUs. A connection from a client or application activates a compute endpoint and its CUs. Activity on the connection keeps the compute endpoint and its CUs in an Active state. A defined period of inactivity places the compute endpoint and its CUs into an Idle state.

Factors that affect the amount of compute time include:

  • The number of active compute endpoints
  • The number of CUs per compute endpoint
  • Neon's Auto-suspend compute feature, which suspends a compute endpoint (and its CUs) after a period of inactivity. The default is five minutes.
  • Neon's Configurable auto-suspend compute feature, which allows you to configure or disable the timeout period for the Auto-suspend compute feature.
  • Neon's Autoscaling feature, which allows you to set a minimum and maximum number of CUs for each compute endpoint. The number of active CUs scale up and down based on workload.


Neon uses a small amount of compute time, included in your billed amount, to perform a periodic check to ensure that your computes can start and read and write data.

The cost calculation for Compute time is as follows:

compute units * active time (hours) * price per hour

Monthly compute time cost estimates

For an idea of compute time cost per month based on compute size and usage, refer to the following table:

Compute size (CU)730 hrs/mth (all hours)173 hrs/mth (working hours)87 hrs/mth (half of working hours)
0.25 CU$18.62$4.41$2.22
0.5 CU$37.23$8.82$4.44
1 CU$74.46$17.65$8.87


The prices shown in the table are based on US East (Ohio) Compute time rates.

  • Public-facing applications are likely to be active for all hours in a month (730 hrs/mth).
  • Internal applications with consistent usage are likely to be active during working hours (173 hrs/mth).
  • Internal applications with moderate usage are likely to be active during half of working hours (87 hrs/mth).

To estimate your own compute time monthly cost:

  1. Determine the compute size that you require, in Compute Units (CUs). Neon supports compute size between .25 CUs and 7 CUs. One CU has 1 vCPU and 4GB of RAM.

  2. Determine the amount of active time per month for your database, in hours.

  3. Determine the rate (price per hour) for compute time in your region. See Billing rates.

  4. Input the values into the Compute time cost-calculation formula shown above. For example:

    1 CU * 730 hrs * $0.10200 = $74.46

Project storage

The Project storage metric measures the amount of data and history stored in your Neon projects. Project storage includes:

  • Current data size

    The size of all databases in your Neon projects. You can think of this as a snapshot of your data at a point in time.

  • History

    Neon retains a history to support point-in-time restore and database branching.

    • Point-in-time restore is the ability to restore data to an earlier point in time. Neon stores a 7-day history in the form of WAL records for a Neon project. WAL records that fall out of the 7-day window are evicted from storage and no longer counted toward project storage.

    • A database branch is a virtual snapshot of your data (including history) at the point of branch creation combined with WAL records that capture the branch's data change history from that point forward. When a branch is first created, it adds no storage. No data changes have been introduced yet, and the branch's virtual snapshot still exists in the parent branch's history, which means that it shares this data in common with the parent branch. A branch only begins adding to storage when data changes are introduced or when the branch's virtual snapshot falls out of the parent branch's history, in which case the branch's data is no longer shared in common. In other words, branches add storage when you modify data and allow the branch to age out of the parent branch's history.

      Database branches can also share a history. For example, two branches created from the same parent at or around the same time share a history, which avoids additional storage. The same is true for a branch created from another branch. Wherever possible, Neon minimizes storage through shared history. Additionally, to keep storage to a minimum, Neon takes a new branch snapshot if the amount of data changes grow to the point that a new snapshot would consume less storage than retained WAL records.

The cost calculation for Project storage is as follows:

project storage (GiB) * (seconds stored / 3600) * price per hour

Written data

The Written data metric measures the amount of data changes written from compute to storage to ensure the durability of your data.

The cost calculation for Written data is as follows:

written data (GiB) * price per GiB

Data transfer

The Data transfer metric counts the amount of data transferred out of Neon (egress). Neon charges for each GiB of data transfer at the egress cost set by the cloud provider. Contact Sales for custom solutions to minimize data transfer costs.

The cost calculation for Data transfer is as follows:

data transfer (GiB) * price per GiB

Billing rates

Cloud providerRegionBilling metricPriceUnit
AWSUS East (Ohio)Compute time$0.10200Compute-hour
AWSUS East (Ohio)Project storage$0.000164GiB-hour
AWSUS East (Ohio)Written data$0.09600GiB
AWSUS East (Ohio)Data transfer$0.09000GiB
AWSUS West (Oregon)Compute time$0.10200Compute-hour
AWSUS West (Oregon)Project storage$0.000164GiB-hour
AWSUS West (Oregon)Written data$0.09600GiB
AWSUS West (Oregon)Data transfer$0.09000GiB
AWSEurope (Frankfurt)Compute time$0.11800Compute-hour
AWSEurope (Frankfurt)Project storage$0.00018GiB-hour
AWSEurope (Frankfurt)Written data$0.09600GiB
AWSEurope (Frankfurt)Data transfer$0.09000GiB
AWSAsia Pacific (Singapore)Compute time$0.12100Compute-hour
AWSAsia Pacific (Singapore)Project storage$0.00018GiB-hour
AWSAsia Pacific (Singapore)Written data$0.09600GiB
AWSAsia Pacific (Singapore)Data transfer$0.09000GiB


Support channels for the Neon Free Tier and paid plans are outlined below.

Support channelsFree TierProCustom
Neon Community Forum
Ability to submit support tickets
Video chat-
Resale customer support--


Pro plan users that submit support tickets through Neon's console can expect an initial response time of 2 business days, from 6am to 6pm Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8), Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays in the United States.

Free Tier users are not guaranteed a specific response time. For custom solutions, please contact Sales.

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